Landscape Supplies sold Locally

Not only do we offer heavy equipment attachments, but you can get local garden supplies while you’re here. You’ll find straw, boulders, fill dirt, mulch, sand, and crush and run for all your landscaping needs.  All products listed here are sold locally at 1950 ga 42 in McDonough Ga.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 678-782-5931 or use our contact form.

Crush & Run $45 a scoop
Fill Dirt $20 a scoop
Fill Dirt for sale in McDonough GA 
Masonry Sand $40/ River Sand $30
Masonry Sand sold in mcdonough ga
#5 Red Rock  $119 per scoop
Crimson Stone sold in McDonough GA
Long Need Pine Straw $6.00 a Bale
Long needle pine straw sold in mcdonough ga
Boulders 10 cents per pound
Boulders for sale mcdonough ga
Brown Mulch $35 per scoop
Brown Mulch
Red Mulch $35 per scoop
Red mulch mcdonough ga
Black Mulch $35 per scoop
Black Mulch sold in McDonough GA
Pine Bark $35 per scoop
Top Soil $30 per scoop
Top soil mcdonough ga
Field Stone By Pallet 10 cents per lbs
 Field Stone by pallet
Flagstone 18 cents per lbs

Pea Gravel $99 per Scoop
Pea Gravel

 Compound $45a scoop
Organic Compost
#57 Gravel $55 a scoop
#57 Gravel

We also sell:
#4 River Rock $119 per scoop,
#5 river rock $109 as scoop,
#4 gravel $55 a scoop,
Oversized $129
Jumbo Slate chips $129 a scoop, 
Cobblestone 18 cents a lbs
River rock on pallet 10 cents per lbs, 
River Sand $30
Compost $45
Erth Food $55